10-11 Jul 2023 Vienna (Austria)


A focal impetus behind the Network Neuroscience approach is that it provides a framework for interpreting the brain as an interconnected system. This approach offers quantitatively different maps of the brain where networks, consisting of nodes (e.g., genes, neurons or brain regions) and links (e.g., interactions, synaptic, anatomical or functional connections) are endowed with topological properties. It also provides a novel framework for studying fundamental aspects of brain organization including its complexity at all spatiotemporal scales. In particular, a Network Neuroscience approach permits structural and anatomical analyses of the brain from the molecular, to the neuronal, to the macroscopic and behavioral scales. Critical to the development of Network Neuroscience is the necessity of a forum to discuss and understand the brain at these various levels. Moreover, such a forum also codifies and facilitates more cross-disciplinary communication critical to the advancement of scientific discovery. To be inclusive of the wide range of researchers this satellite is targeting, but also to reflect emerging topics, we propose four core areas, which should be seen only as guidelines for inviting submissions and structuring the program. These include methodology (i) Spatio-temporal and dynamic brain networks; (ii) Classical and Deep Machine Learning on brain networks and more applied work (iii) Fundamental and clinical neuroscience applications; (iv) Brain-body networks.

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